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Transformers Takara Tomy: Masterpiece Series - Optimus Prime Action Figure





'Optimus Prime', a Transformers Masterpiece with toy colors and decorations from the 1980s, is now available!

'Optimus Prime' appears in the Masterpiece series, the highest brand of Transformers!
Based on the convoy main body of "MP-44 Convoy Ver.3.0" released in 2019, this time it has the toy colors and decorations of the time of the 1980s. The name also adopted the overseas name "Optimus Prime" that became famous in Hollywood movies!

The characteristic red and blue coloring is also darker, and the waist and thighs are also painted in silver.
In addition, the stickers that can be attached to the hands and feet which were attached to the toys at the time are also reproduced.
Includes Matrix, Laser Rifle, Energy Ax, Beam Effect, and Round Head!

* Sound gimmick function is not installed. *The container part and its attached parts are not included.

Transformers Takara Tomy: Masterpiece Series - Optimus Prime Action Figure

SKU: G0576
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